Entries by Circle of Blue

Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Water Territories and the Politics of Scale and Identity

An excerpt from the introductory chapter of Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity, a book on the effect modern society has on water culture and indigenous communities

Peter Gleick: Water and Misleading Advertising and Marketing–Where are the FDA and FTC?

It should be hard to sell private water. After all, most of the people reading this blog have access, a few feet away, to unlimited, remarkably cheap, high-quality tap water from systems owned by the public.

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis

“…Decisions executives make to respond to freshwater scarcity will penetrate almost every aspect of their business operations.”

Remedies for Nitrate-Contaminated Water in California are Anything but Quick, Cheap

John and Rosenda Mataka never gave a thought to their tap water until 1995, when the city of Modesto took over the town of Grayson’s water supply wells and informed everyone that they had been drinking nitrate-contaminated water for over a decade.

Nitrate Contamination Spreading in California Communities’ Water

The California Watch nitrates project revealed that wells that serve more than two million Californians have been contaminated with nitrates at levels that surpass the public health limit.

The War on Tap Water: An Exclusive Excerpt from Peter Gleick’s Bottled and Sold

“The growth of the bottled water industry is a story about 21st century controversies and contradictions: poverty versus glitterati; perception versus reality; private gain versus public loss of the last century.”

Q&A: Paul Saffo on the Future of Media and a New Era of Environmentalism

Paul Saffo is a man who lives in the future, and he maps and predicts society’s biggest transformations. Paul is a Futurist who teaches at Stanford University, and for the past 20 years has explored the dynamics of large-scale, long-term change.