Entries by Circle of Blue

Russian Government Orders Cleanup

MOSCOW — Russia’s government on Thursday warned a giant Soviet-era paper plant in Siberia to stop spewing waste into Lake Baikal, the world’s largest body of fresh water which is famed for its natural beauty. The Soviet Union ordered the construction of the plant in the 1960s. Since then it has been the centre of […]

Foreigners Needed to Invest in Clean Water

SHANGHAI/HONG KONG — More than half of the water in China, the world’s fourth-largest economy, is unfit to drink. Last year, around 48 million people living there lacked sufficient drinking water. Read More here. Source : Reuters Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant, reliable, and actionable on-the-ground information about the world’s resource crises. www.circleofblue.org/about/

NatureNews special issue dedicated to global water crisis

NatureNews has produced a special issue for March 2008 entitled “Water: Under Pressure,” which features a wide range of stories on the global water crisis. Read more here. source: nature.com Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant, reliable, and actionable on-the-ground information about the world’s resource crises. www.circleofblue.org/about/

Water Bills Draw Flak from Northern Michigan Tribes

TRAVERSE CITY, Michigan — The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians says bills pending in the Legislature to regulate high-volume water withdrawals would violate its rights by reducing fish populations in some rivers and streams. The bills would regulate withdrawals of more than 200,000 gallons per day from rivers and streams — or […]

Animals Rescued from Drought

ATLANTA — As a record drought persists in the Southeast, residents have realized they can no longer properly care for their animals. Horses, in particular, are being turned in to a rescue operation in north Georgia. Read More here. Source : National Public Radio Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant, reliable, and actionable on-the-ground […]

“Running Dry” documentary addresses evolving world water crisis

UNITED NATIONS/MaximsNews Network — “Running Dry” is a documentary inspired by former U.S. Senator Paul Simon’s book Tapped Out, which addresses the evolving world water crisis and what we as citizens can do about it. The film was written, produced and directed by Jim Thebaut of the Chronicles Group. Actress Jane Seymour serves as the […]

Water Cuts Essential on Cyprus

NICOSIA – Cyprus is ordering emergency water rationing and imports from Greece to cope with a growing shortage exacerbated by a fourth year of drought. The east Mediterranean island faces an unprecedented water crisis which has seen reservoir reserves plunge dangerously low and desalination plants unable to cope with growing demand. Read More here. Source […]

Water Shortage Could Dry-up Wine Down Under

MELBOURNE – Australian grape growers reckon they are the canary in the coalmine of global warming, as a long drought forces winemakers to rethink the styles of wine they can produce and the regions they can grow in. The three largest grape-growing regions in Australia, the driest inhabited continent on earth, all depend on irrigation […]

South African Mine Displaces Thousands

LONDON – Mines operated by the world’s biggest platinum producer Anglo Platinum have displaced thousands of South Africans, who have lost access to farmland and clean water, pressure group ActionAid said on Tuesday in a report. ActionAid said it has asked the South African Human Rights Commission to investigate the issues, including independent tests showing […]

“Water Wars” in Our Future

LONDON – The world faces a future of “water wars”, unless action is taken to prevent international water shortages and sanitation issues escalating into conflicts, according to Gareth Thomas, the International Development minister. Read More here. Source : The Independent Circle of BlueCircle of Blue provides relevant, reliable, and actionable on-the-ground information about the world’s […]

Nearly Half of Islamabad’s Water is Lost to Leakage

ISLAMABAD, PAKISTAN – The Capital Development Authority (CDA) has failed to materialise the plan prepared eight months ago regarding upgradation and replacement of old water supply pipelines in the city. A senior CDA official told Daily Times on Sunday the relevant wing of the authority could not hire a consultant for the project so far. […]

In Celebration of Water

LAIKIPIA, AFRICA – A group of Pokot women in traditional finery — coloured beaded necklaces and metal anklets — walk down the path to the stage, each holding a candle to offer to the goddess of earth. The setting is spectacular with a lake in the background over which the full moon rises, its light […]