Ned Breslin: Keep it Flowing — Rethinking Community Water Management

A subtle but important trend in the water sector is only now starting to emerge in developing nations.

Flood-Devastated Benin Requests Millions for Emergency Aid

Torrential rains threaten to plunge the West African nation into crisis.

Egypt’s Assets in Ethiopia May Help Ease Tensions Over Nile River

The African country reaches out to its Nile Basin neighbor.

Egyptian NGO Wins UN Prize for Water and Sanitation Projects

The United Nation's World Habitat Award honors community-based model for clean drinking water and sanitation.

Deforestation May Lead to Kilimanjaro Glacial Melt, Study

New study finds link between disappearing trees and receding ice atop Africa's tallest mountains.

Study Shows Malaria Infections Increase Near Ethiopian Dam

Reservoirs and stagnant streams created by dams can be conducive for mosquito breeding.

Egyptian Drinking Water Threatened by Nile Oil Spill

Water purification stations shut down to prevent polluted water from entering filters.

Reservoir of Acidic Water Rises Beneath South Africa’s Largest City

Polluted groundwater has forced the South African government to scramble for solutions.

James Workman: Who Owns the Rain—When Thirsty Democracies Deny Individual Liberty to Water

James G. Workman reflects on a recent ruling that compromises the water rights of the Bushmen.

Q&A: Thomas Bjelkeman-Pettersson Connecting Aid and Water Online at

Bjelkeman-Pettersson talked to Circle of Blue during the Tällberg Rework the World Conference in Sweden about sharing information to change the global direction on water and sanitation issues.

PlayPump not a Panacea for Africa’s Water Problems

A technology once heralded as a simple solution to Africa’s drinking water problem now stands as a broken, unused and poorly planned reminder of international water aid’s latest misstep.
Ugandans Return Home

Ugandans Return Home to a Demolished Water Infrastructure

More than 20 years of conflict in northern Uganda have led to an abandoned and destroyed water infrastructure, as most citizens lack access to sanitary drinking water.