A Dry and Anxious North Awaits China’s Giant, Unproven Water Transport Scheme

Authorities anticipate approval for new western line to tap energy reserves. Sparks and the blue flare of arc welders, like hot stars in the night sky, illuminate the interior of a massive water tunnel that crosses underneath the Yellow River.
China Pipeline Map

Infographic: China’s South-North Water Transfer Project

Authorities close to the central government say the western line will be built.

Infographic: China’s Wind Energy Sector is Global Leader

Wind generating capacity in China has reached more than 42 GW—the most of any country.

New Wind and Solar Sectors Won’t Solve China’s Water Scarcity

Clean alternatives help, but not nearly enough, to loosen energy-water choke point

Choke Point: China – Confronting Water Scarcity and Energy Demand in the World’s Largest Country

An escalating confrontation over resources; a confrontation with global implications.

Alaska Bulk Water Company Receives Export Contract Extension, Wants to Split with Partner

True Alaska Bottling sends a notice of dissolution to S2C Global, which rejects the disbanding of their joint bulk water export company.
Going the Distance for Water

Infographic: Going the Distance, From Ashgabat to Whyalla—10 Cities Pumping Water From Afar

In many cities, water travels far to reach the tap. Residents of the planet's driest places rely on extensive waterways to deliver their supply. Click through the interactive infographic below to learn more about 10 cities that pipe water in from distant aquifers, plus additional plans to expand waterway networks even further.

Foot-and-Mouth Disease—Are Mass Animal Burials Causing Water Contamination in South Korea?

As animal bodies pile up, public fears water sources will become contaminated.

Bottling Wastewater Expands Island’s Oasis—Singapore’s NEWater Path to Independence

Singapore is first to bottle and sell wastewater for drinking.

First Approval in India’s National Plumbing Project, Despite Possibility to Endanger Tigers

The Ken-Betwa canal will transfer water between river basins in southern India.

Do It and Prove It—Information Technology Opens Up the Water Sector

Organizations are creating tech tools to shine light on water supply operations—and improve service.

Water From Afar—Azerbaijan’s Capital Opens 265-km Water Pipeline

The world’s largest high-pressure pipeline made from a glass-plastic composite material.