Infographic: Alaska to India Bulk Water Export Data

Sitka, Alaska to send millions of gallons of water to India, which will then be distributed in the Middle East.

Bulk Water Exports: Alaska City Wants to Sell the World a Drink

Water shipped in large tankers designed for oil as a supply solution to the global freshwater crisis?

Public Opinion on Bulk Water Sales Ranges From ‘Makes Sense’ to ‘Hell No!’

Bulk water sales have succeeded and been banned around the world.

Sitka’s Resource Piggy Bank is Water

After a decade of unsuccessful attempts to sell bulk water, Sitka hopes to sell 50 million gallons by 2011.

Timeline: North American Bulk Water Sales

Bulk water has been attempted and banned around the world. Visualize the last decade of attempts in Sitka.

Experts Name the Top 19 Solutions to the Global Freshwater Crisis

"...Decisions executives make to respond to freshwater scarcity will penetrate almost every aspect of their business operations."

Singapore Will Cut Water Imports from Malaysia, Pursue Self-Sufficiency

Infrastructure to succeed Malaysia import agreement, expiring in 2011.

Landslide Lake Puts Pakistani Villages at Risk of Flooding

Thousands of Pakistani villagers are at risk if a landslide-formed lake breaches its rock dam.

Q&A: One Man’s Fight to Save the Aral Sea

As the Aral Sea gains global recognition as the most extreme kind of environmental disaster, Yusup Kamalov, chairman of the Union for the Defense of the Aral Sea and Amudarya, shares an expert's perspective.

Drinking Water Access on Target for Millennium Development Goals, while Sanitation Falls Short, Report Says

World Health Organization and UNICEF has found that the world is on track to surpass the Millennium Development Goal for drinking water access, but will fall short by one billion people for sanitation if current trends continue.

Drought in South China is Worst in Decades

Parts of southern China are being ravaged by a severe three-season drought. Millions of people lack adequate water supplies, and millions of acres of cropland are too dry to plant.

Drought in the Mekong Basin Hampers Southeast Asia Economy

One of the worst droughts in Southeast Asia in decades has lowered water levels in the Mekong River, cutting people off from the source of their livelihood and hampering the regional economy