Hidden Waters, Dragons in the Deep: The Freshwater Crisis in China’s Karst Regions

Yunnan Province is a microcosm of China's freshwater challenges.

NASA Satellite Photos Capture a Decade of Land and Water Changes

As part of its 10-year anniversary, NASA’s Earth Observatory has compiled a gallery of images showing annual changes in the Earth’s land, water and atmosphere in places such as Central Asia, Australia, Iraq and the Amazon.

Melting Glaciers Cause Potential Flooding Problems

Emerald lakes are beautiful, but rapidly melting glaciers can cause them to inundate villages downstream.

Peter Gleick: Water and Conflict – The New Water Conflict Chronology

In an ongoing effort to understand the connections between water resources, water systems, and international security and conflict, the Pacific Institute initiated a project in the late 1980s to track and categorize events related to water and conflict.

Water Becomes a Pawn In Central Asian Energy Dispute

Uzbekistan exits the regional energy grid and Tajikistan vows to complete world's tallest dam.

Bhopal’s Water Still Toxic 25 Years After Chemical Disaster

Chemicals used to make pesticides are still leaching into the groundwater and poisoning the drinking water.

US Company Targets Bhutan’s Mineral Water

An American firm is negotiating for the exclusive rights to sell Bhutanese mineral water outside of South Asia.

Water Scarcity, Food Security Concerns Prompt Global Land Grab

Area nearly the size of France purchased, leased for food production around the world. Africa, South America, parts of Europe targeted by cash-rich, food-poor nations

Climate Change Is Water Change — Water Experts React to Barcelona Negotiations

Climate Change Is Water ChangeWater experts have convened in Barcelona to ensure water management strategies are integrated into global climate change negotiations – so far their efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

India’s Leaders Argue Over River Linking Plan

Attempts to mitigates drought and climate change in India by connecting its northern and southern rivers.

More Bad News for Arctic Sea Ice

More Bad News for Arctic Sea IceA recent expedition to the Beaufort Sea revealed that “multiyear” Arctic sea ice is in effect, nonexistent, Reuters reports. Multiyear ice has “stiffer” composition than first year ice, and makes navigation through Arctic regions extremely difficult, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).