Pharmaceuticals in the Water Systems Infographic

Drugs in the Water (And Ways to Prevent that from Happening)

Last month's national drug takeback day was more popular than ever. Antibiotic-resistant genetics have been found in California wetlands. FDA seeks voluntary disclosure of antibiotics in animal feed.

Forecasting Western U.S. Water Supply in 2012: La Niña Again Delivers a Wet North and a Dry South

As water availability data starts coming in, this year's water allocations and the potential consequences for irrigation, hydropower, wildfires, and flooding are being assessed — La Niña weather patterns have returned this year, but water supply conditions generally are not as extreme as they were 2011.

Peter Gleick: Mining California Groundwater – The Cadiz Project

A private company, Cadiz Inc. (Cadiz), has revived plans to mine groundwater underlying land in the delicate Eastern Mojave Desert. This project revives fundamental questions about how we manage our precious water resources, and in particular, whether in the 21st century it is appropriate, or even necessary, to use renewable water resources in a nonrenewable and unsustainable way, for short-term profit.

Peter Gleick: Transcending Old Thinking About California Agricultural Water Use

The debate about water use in California agriculture is stuck in a 30-year-old rut; relying on outdated and technically-flawed thinking that is slowing statewide efforts to meet 21st century challenges.
Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Peter Gleick, an internationally recognized water expert, tells Circle of Blue what has changed — and what has not — since the 2009 release of Volume 6. The Pacific Institute's biannual report analyzes how water relates to climate change, corporate interests, and policy reform.

Peter Gleick: Water Emergencies — Time for New Plans and Technology

The world faces a wide range of serious, complex, and long-term water challenges, from shortages to contamination to local and regional disputes over water to long-term climate changes. But there are other challenges that are short-term, emergency situations that could also be addressed by some new thinking and new technology.

Peter Gleick: The California Drought (2007-2009) – Myth Versus Reality

It has been a wet year. Very wet. But remember the drought? California…

The Price of Water 2011: Prices Rise an Average of 9 Percent in Major U.S. Cities

Because of costlier inputs and infrastructure replacement, rate experts predict prices will only go higher.
La Nina Winter Soaks

Strong La Niña Winter Soaks Much of the Western United States, But Leaves Southwest Dry

Western states confront potential for floods and wildfires.

Peter Gleick: Unsafe Drinking Water for California’s Poor – Unfair, Unnecessary, and Unacceptable

The United States has -- for the most part -- an excellent tap…

Peter Gleick: Playing God

In a desperate attempt to make it easier to solve California's…

Peter Gleick: Peak Water

Peak water is coming. In some places, peak water is here. We're never going to run out of water -- water is a renewable natural resource (mostly). But increasingly, around the world, in the U.S., and locally, we are running up against peak water limits. The concept is so important and relevant that The New York Times chose the term "peak water" as one of its 33