The Stream, April 15: International Climate Panel Will Look At 1.5C Temperature Rise

The Global Rundown A global panel of scientists will contribute…

The Stream, April 14: Japan May Dump Fukushima Water into Ocean

The Global Rundown The high cost of removing the last remaining…

The Stream, April 13: Manila Water Privatization Questioned

The Global Rundown A U.S. Congressional committee is questioning…

The Stream, April 12: Majority of Underground Water Polluted in China

The Global Rundown More than three-quarters of China's underground…

The Stream, April 11: Flint Water Improving, Officials Say

The Global Rundown The water supply system in Flint, Michigan,…

The Stream, April 8: Brazil Investigates Rio Sewage Plants

The Global Rundown Police in Brazil are investigating whether…

The Stream, April 7: Millions in Bangladesh Drink Arsenic Contaminated Water

The Global Rundown Approximately 20 million people still drink…

The Stream, April 6: Mekong Dams Would Have Highly Adverse Effects, Study Finds

The Global Rundown A study by Vietnam found that proposed dams…

The Stream, April 5: Climate Change Will Have Dire Consequences For Economy, Health, Studies Find

The Global Rundown A pair of studies released Monday sounded…

The Stream, April 4: Colombia May Ration Electricity Amid Drought

The Global Rundown A drought in Colombia has drawn down hydropower…

The Stream, April 1: Somalia Drought Could Kill Thousands Without Aid

The Global Rundown The United Nations said thousands of people…

The Stream, March 31: Study Predicts Doubling Of Sea Level Rise

The Global Rundown A new study found that the amount of global…