The Stream, April 3: Argentina is Cutting Utility Subsidies, Including Water

Water Governance Argentina plans to cut subsidies for natural…

The Stream, April 2: World Bank Says $2.5 Trillion Needed for South Asia Infrastructure

Only 25 percent of people in South Asia have access to piped…

The Stream, April 1: Lack of Scientific Data A Detriment to Nepal’s Water Management

Water Data Farmers and water managers in Nepal are lacking adequate…

The Stream, March 31: International Climate Panel Stresses Immediacy of Climate Change in New Report

Climate Change Climate change is no longer a potential problem,…

The Stream, March 28: Sea Level Rise Threatens 17 Percent of Land in Bangladesh

Climate Change Bangladesh is likely to be one of the countries…

The Stream, March 27: Barriers to Reclamation of Canada’s Tar Sand Areas

Scientists have called into question the viability of wetland…

The Stream, March 26: Neighborhoods in Jerusalem Turn to High Court for Water Service

Water Supply Impoverished neighborhoods and a refugee camp east…

The Stream, March 25: Oil Spills Into Lake Michigan

Pollution Oil spilled into southern Lake Michigan Monday from…

The Stream, March 24: Drought Fuels Fires and Air Pollution in Southeast Asia

Asia Vast fires in Indonesia have started earlier in the season…

The Stream, March 21: World Bank Approves Funding for D.R. Congo’s Inga 3 Dam

Water and Energy The World Bank has approved a $US 73 million…

The Stream, March 20: Water Cleanup Halted at Fukushima Due to Malfunctions

Asia Water cleanup systems meant to decrease the radioactivity…

The Stream, March 19: Dead Pigs Pulled From Chinese River

Pollution Officials have found 131 dead pigs in China’s Ganjiang…