The Stream, January 21: Drinking Water Quality Threatened by Extreme Weather

Drinking Water The quality of drinking water supplies is at…

The Stream, January 20: Australia’s Government Sells Off Murray-Darling Water

For the first time since 2008, Australia’s government will…

The Stream, January 17: Olympic Construction Seen Behind Floods, Possible Water Contamination

Residents and activists living near Sochi, Russia say the construction…

The Stream, January 16: Australian Heat Wave Sparks Questions About Water, Crops

Climate Change As much of Australia’s southeastern region…

The Stream, January 15: Chile Asked to Balance Mining and the Environment

South America More than $US 40 billion worth of mining projects…

The Stream, January 14: Policies Undermine Flood Defenses in United Kingdom

While both federal and local government budgets for flood defenses…

The Stream, January 13: China Losing Wetlands Despite Protection Measures

Water Supplies China has lost 9 percent of its wetlands in the…

The Stream, January 10: Chemical Spill Pollutes West Virginia River and Drinking Water

Water Pollution A chemical foaming agent used to process coal…

The Stream, January 9: Asia Factories Improve Water Efficiency

Some manufacturers are beginning to improve the water and energy…

The Stream, January 8: Geoengineering to Cut Climate Change Could Cut Rainfall Instead

Climate Change Introducing large quantities of sulfate particles…

The Stream, January 6: Water Contamination from Drilling Underestimated

Water Contamination Water pollution caused by natural gas and…

The Stream, January 2: Plastic Pollution in River Thames Is Underestimated

United Kingdom More plastic than was previously thought is likely…