The Stream, November 25: The Sustainability of South American Megafarms

Agriculture Huge soybean farms in Brazil’s Mato Grosso state…

The Stream, November 22: Canadian Tar Sand Industry Creates Largest Man-Made Lake District

Pollution The disposal of wastewater created during the mining…

The Stream, November 21: New Zealand’s Water Pollution from Growing Dairy Industry

As more and more land is converted to dairy farms, New Zealand’s…

The Stream, November 20: Debate Over Bottled Water Safety

Bottled Water With sales of bottled water in China expected…

The Stream, November 19: Zimbabwe Has Water and Sanitation Crisis, Report Says

Health and Sanitation Waterborne diseases caused by water supplies…

The Stream, November 18: China Says Environment Will Be Bigger Priority

Pollution New reforms revealed by China last week point to a…

The Stream, November 15: New Center Tackles Transboundary Water Disputes

A new research center hosted by the Stockholm International Water…

The Stream, November 14: Gaza Submerged in Sewage as Wastewater Plant Shuts Down

Gaza A wastewater treatment plant serving 120,000 people in…

The Stream, November 13: Amazon Deforestation Could Cause U.S. Droughts

Sierra Nevada snowpack could drop 50 percent if the entire Amazon…

The Stream, November 12: Concerns Grow About Food Supply’s Reaction to Heat Waves, Water Scarcity

Climate Change The next report released by the United Nations’…

The Stream, November 11: Philippines Typhoon Survivors Left Without Water

Philippines Survivors of Typhoon Haiyan, which hit the central…

The Stream, November 8: World’s Top 10 Toxic Rivers and Places

Water Pollution The top 10 toxic hotspots in the world are primarily…