The Stream, December 20: Brazil Dam Combines Energy Goals with River Stewardship
Water and Energy
At the binational Itaipú hydropower dam on…
The Stream, December 19: Tropical Forests are Key to Regulating Water Systems, Scientists Say
Water Supply
Tropical forests act like sponges that trap water…
The Stream, December 18: 21 Percent of Population Could Face Chronic Water Scarcity With Warming of 2 Degrees Celsius
Climate Change
An increase in global temperatures by 2 degrees…
The Stream, December 17: Climate Risks Underestimated By Not Taking Into Account Water, Agriculture, Ecosystem, and Health Interactions
Climate Change
Under a worse-case scenario in which global temperatures…
The Stream, December 16: Electronic Waste Expected to Increase 33 Percent in Four Years, Poses Water Pollution Threat
Discarded computers, tablets, refrigerators, and other…
The Stream, December 13: Drought and Food Shortages Hit Malawi
A severe drought in Malawi is creating food shortages…
The Stream, December 12: Hydropower and Bhutan’s New Democracy
Water and Government
Bhutan plans to increase its hydropower…
The Stream, December 11: Australia’s Government Removes Murray-Darling From Threatened Ecosystem List
Australia’s federal environment minister will no longer need…
The Stream, December 10: Large Freshwater Reserves Discovered Under the Sea
An estimated 500,000 cubic kilometers of fresh and brackish water…
The Stream, December 9: China Is Not Prepared for Climate Change, Government Says
Climate Change
Despite some actions to improve ecosystem resiliency…
The Stream, December 6: Report Details Countries at Risk of Water Wars
Countries in eastern Africa, the Middle East, and Asia are most…
The Stream, December 5: 11 U.S. Cities Face Water-Scarcity Risks
Analyzing two reports about future water stress in the United…