The Stream, March 27: Water and Oil in the Amazon
South America
A new billboard in Peru is creating fresh water…
The Stream, March 26: Water Spills From Oil Sands Project in Canada
Canada Oil Sands
An unknown volume of water has been released…
The Stream, March 26: Water Spills From Oil Sands Project in Canada
Canada Oil Sands
An unknown volume of water has been released…
The Stream, March 25: China’s Coal Plants Face a Water Crisis
A Bloomberg New Energy Finance report is the latest to predict…
The Stream, March 22: World Water Day 2013
To kick off World Water Day 2013, the United Nations released…
The Stream, March 21: Cities Competing for Colorado River Water
Phoenix and Los Angeles are emblematic of growing municipal-use…
The Stream, March 20: Water Security Threats in Asia and the Pacific
Asia and the Pacific
Lack of access to safe water in Pacific…
The Stream, March 18: Low Water Levels Projected for Months in Lake Michigan, Lake Huron
Average water levels in Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, and other…
The Stream, March 15: Disaster Losses Exceeded $100 Billion in 2012
Environmental Threats
Natural disasters cost the world approximately…
The Stream, March 14: Colorado Utilities Limit Municipal Water Use
Colorado residents will face some of the strictest water limits…
The Stream, March 12: Water Replaces Soda as America’s Drink of Choice
Americans drink more water than any other beverage — a turnaround…
The Stream, March 11: China’s Potential Shale Gas Boom ‘In Trouble’
None of the 16 firms awarded exploration rights for Chinese shale-gas…