The Stream, November 27: Doha Climate Talks Commence

Monday marked the first day of talks among the in Doha, Qatar…

The Stream, November 26: Final Murray-Darling Basin Water Plan Signed into Law

Last week, the Australian government approved a plan to increase…

The Stream, November 21: U.S., Mexico Sign New Colorado River Water Deal

United States Representatives of the United States and Mexico…

The Stream, November 20: Greenhouse Gases Record High in 2011

According to the BBC the World Meteorological Organization's…

The Stream, November 19: Low Water Levels Threaten Mississippi River Barge Traffic

This summer's massive drought left Mississippi River levels unusually…

The Stream, November 16: Myanmar’s Test from Foreign Investment

Myanmar's forests, river systems, and the wildlife they support…

The Stream, November 15: Water Supply and Quality Woes in California

Dozens of unincorporated communities in California's Central…

The Stream, November 14: Flooding Hits Rome

Extreme Weather Suburbs, towns and farms outside of Rome flooded…

The Stream, November 13: U.S., Energy, and Climate Change

According to the International Energy Agency (IEA), "by around…

The Stream, November 12: U.S. and Mexico Near Water-sharing Agreement on Border

The United States and Mexico are nearing an agreement on water-sharing…

The Stream, November 9: Hepatitis Outbreak in South Sudan

An outbreak of Hepatitis E in South Sudan refugee camps has killed…

The Stream, November 8: Early Look at Water in U.S. Ballot Results

Water-quality protection measures were among the 46 conservation-related…