The Stream, October 2: India River Dispute Continues

Farmers Protest, Attempt to Turn Off Pumping Station The BBC…

The Stream, October 1: Tensions Flare Over U.S. Urban Water Availability

In Kansas, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers drained billions…

The Stream, September 28: Brazil’s Agricultural Future Buoyed by Water

Days of heavy rainfall have swollen rivers in the United Kingdom,…

The Stream, September 27: Hydraulic Fracturing-related Health Concerns Linger

Governor Andrew Cuomo said New York state is still deciding whether…

The Stream, September 26: Floods Create Havoc in Pakistan and Nigeria

The water around the defunct Union Carbide pesticide plant in…

The Stream, September 25: Oceans & Clouds

Oceans In a new study, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric…

The Stream, September 24: Global Desalination Debates

Waste water recycling is a better option for Indian cities short…

The Stream, September 21: India Water Dispute

India A water shortage in India's Cauvery River Basin has pitted…

The Stream, September 20: Energy Producers Neglect Water’s Value

U.S. power producers are not calculating the cost of scarce water…

The Stream, September 19: A $700 Million Water Pipeline to Cyprus

Turkey is building a $US 700 million pipeline to transfer water…

The Stream, September 18: Water-Energy Nexus and WASH for Children

Oil and Water Ahead of the worldwide Global Frackdown planned…

The Stream, September 17: Reforms and Recommendations in Asia’s Water Crisis

Asian Water Crisis A dike breach in Bangkok, Thailand put pressure…