The Stream, May 25: Asian Cities Resist Climate Change
ChiAsia and Climate Change
Ten Asian cities throughout India,…

The Stream, May 24: Breast Cancer in Men
Mother Jones investigates the link between quite possibly the…

The Stream, May 23: Glacial Floods, Robot Fish, and Missing School for Water
A glacial lake in Chile's Patagonia region drained for…

The Stream, May 22: Water, Food Crisis Driving Instability in Yemen
The European Union will provide additional humanitarian aid to…

The Stream, May 21: Negotiations on the Murray-Darling Draft Plan
The negotiations on a final plan for Australia's Murray-Darling…

The Stream, May 18: Climate Change Will Affect U.S. Water Availability
Water levels on the flooding Rio Negro in Brazil have reached…

The Stream, May 17: Finland’s Mining Boom
More frequent and more severe floods, or what some farmers call…

The Stream, May 16: How Satisfactory Is World Water Quality?
A new poll from Gallup asked people in 140 countries how satisfied…

The Stream, May 15: America’s Most Endangered Rivers
The Potomac River is the most endangered river in the United…

The Stream, May 14: NASA Scientist Links Specific Weather Events to Climate Change
Drinking water is safe to consume in the small Pennsylvania town…

The Stream, May 11: Top Scientists Say Water + Energy = Linked Issues
Energy and Climate
The world's top scientists are urging governments…

The Stream, May 10: How Effective Is Australia’s Water Trading System?
A flawed water-trading system is choking the Murray-Darling,…