The Stream, August 26: New Jersey Issues Ban on Fracking

New Jersey has issued a one-year moratorium on hydraulic fracturing,…

The Stream, August 25: Dams – China’s Ticking Time Bombs

Southern Weekend, one of China’s major investigative news agencies,…

The Stream, August 24: Shale Gas In The Colorado River Basin

About 30 million people from Wyoming to Southern California who…

The Stream, August 23: If the Yangtze River Runs Dry

Can the Yangtze, Asia's longest river, run dry? According to…

The Stream, August 22: World Water Week 2011

Deutsche Welle highlights some of the pressing topics on the…

The Stream, August 19: Meeting U.S. Energy Demand

Is there common ground in analyzing financial systems and ecosystems,…

The Stream, August 18: Floods in Pakistan

A year after heavy monsoon rains devastated southern Pakistan,…

The Stream, August 17: Invasive Species in Lake Michigan

Has Lake Michigan become unfishable? The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel…

The Stream, August 16: Climate Refugees

The deltas of the the Mekong, Irrawaddy, Niger, Nile, Mississippi,…

The Stream, August 15: Cholera Spreads in Somalia

A cholera epidemic is spreading in drought- and famine-hit Somalia,…

The Stream, August 12: DOE Advisory Panel Releases Natural Gas Report

A draft report by the U.S. Energy Department's natural gas advisory…

The Stream, August 11: Australia’s Climate Change Debate

Climate-change wrangling in Australia has descended into death…