The Stream, April 28: Earth’s Water From Above
Check out these stunning images of the Earth taken from the International…
The Stream, April 27: Climate Change Impacts
A new federal report on the impact of climate change in the western…
The Stream, April 26: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Food has quickly become the hidden driver of world politics,…
The Stream, April 25: In Hot Water
The Financial Times reports on the growing local opposition to…
The Stream, April 22: Water Pollution Accidents
China's water sector, the world's third largest, with an estimated…
The Stream, April 21: Blowin’ in the Wind
Reuters published a lengthy report on China's plans to unlock…
The Stream, April 20: Damming the Rivers
Despite international pressure to freeze the development of the…
The Stream, April 19: Power Cuts, Golf Booms
Despite promises to curb power rationing, much of China is on…
The Stream, April 18: The Water Factor
Environmental groups are up in arms over the State Department's…
The Stream, April 15: Regulating the Natural Gas Industry
Cuba's worst drought in 50 years has depleted reservoirs by about…
The Stream, April 14: Shale Gas
The French government will support parliamentary motions to revoke…
The Stream, April 13: Legal Matters
Dams in Brazil
Despite calls for a moratorium, Brazil’s government…