The Stream, June 23, 2020: Pastoral Lifestyles Threatened as Somalia and Somaliland Dry

The Global Rundown Somalia is drying rapidly, changing the livelihoods…

The Stream, June 18, 2020: More than 300 Mid-Michigan Wells Are Dry Following Dam Break Last Month

The Global Rundown Recent flooding in mid-Michigan leaves more…

The Stream, June 17, 2020: Methane Leaking from Millions of Abandoned Oil Wells Threatens U.S. Groundwater

The Global Rundown Methane is seeping from millions of abandoned…

The Stream, June 11, 2020: Federal Lawsuit Could End Addition of Fluoride to Drinking Water in U.S.

The Global Rundown A key U.S. lawsuit that could limit fluoride…

The Stream, June 10, 2020: Demographics Shift in Coastal Florida as Sea Levels Rise

The Global Rundown Rising sea levels close in on Miami and other…

The Stream, June 9, 2020: Melting Glaciers Raise Flood Risk in Pakistani Villages

The Global Rundown Glaciers continue to melt in Pakistan’s…

The Stream, June 4, 2020: São Paulo State Suspends Water Shutoffs in Low-Income Communities Amid Covid-19

The Global Rundown São Paulo, Brazil, suspends water cuts for…

The Stream, June 3, 2020: U.S. EPA Limits State Ability to Block Energy Infrastructure Projects

The Global Rundown The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…