The Stream, July 2, 2019: Freak Storm Dumps Two Meters of Hail on Guadalajara, Mexico

The Global Rundown A freak storm deluges Guadalajara, Mexico,…

The Stream, June 28, 2019: First Four Weeks of India’s Monsoon Rain Below-Average

The Global Rundown The first four weeks of monsoon rains in…

The Stream, June 26, 2019: Mississippi River Flood Cleanup Will Top $2 Billion, Advocacy Group Says

The Global Rundown An advocacy group estimates that flood repairs…

The Stream, June 25, 2019: Massive Undersea Freshwater Aquifer Found Off U.S. Northeast Coast

The Global Rundown Scientists discover a sizable undersea freshwater…

The Stream, June 21, 2019: Snowmelt Rejuvenates Colorado River, Rio Grande

The Global Rundown Snowmelt replenishes the Colorado River,…

The Stream, June 20, 2019: Authorities in Chennai, India, Criticized as City’s Four Main Reservoirs Run Dry

The Global Rundown Authorities in Chennai, India, are criticized…

The Stream, June 19, 2019: Louisiana Governor Calls for Disaster Declaration as Flooding Devastates Fishing Industry

The Global Rundown The governor of Louisiana asks the U.S. government…

The Stream, June 18, 2019: India Hopes to Provide Drinking Water to All Rural Homes by 2024, PM Says

The Global Rundown Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi announces…

The Stream, June 14, 2019: Prosecutors Dismiss Criminal Charges in Flint Water Crisis Cases

The Global Rundown The Michigan Department of the Attorney General…

The Stream, June 13, 2019: UK Flood Defenses Prevent $1.4bn in Yearly Damages, Analysis Shows

The Global Rundown Flood defenses in the United Kingdom are…