The Stream, April 17: Hong Kong Debates New Water Supply Agreement

The Global Rundown Lawmakers in Hong Kong question whether the…

The Stream, April 14: Water Concerns Stymie Brazil Iron Mine

The Global Rundown A mayor in Brazil is refusing to grant water…

The Stream, April 13: Global WASH Spending Not Enough, WHO Report Finds

The Global Rundown Global spending on water, sanitation, and…

The Stream, April 12: Lake Chad Region In Humanitarian And Ecological Crisis

The Global Rundown Food security is suffering in Africa's Lake…

The Stream, April 11: Karnataka Says No Water For Farmers

The Global Rundown Government officials in Karnataka say there…

The Stream, April 10: California Drought Emergency Declared Over

The Global Rundown Officials declared California's severe drought…

The Stream, April 7: Bangladesh Hopes Ganges Barrage Will Solve Delta Water Problems

The Global Rundown Bangladesh and India may soon move forward…

The Stream, April 6: U.S. Study Finds Extensive Brackish Groundwater Supplies

The Global Rundown Brackish groundwater supplies in the United…

The Stream, April 5: Large Hydropower Dams Are Candidates For UN Climate Funding

Three major dam projects in Nepal, the Solomon Islands, and Tajikistan may receive backing from the United Nations' green climate fund, a move that is opposed by environmental groups. A new map and analysis shows where the United Kingdom is spending its flood defense money. Streams in Switzerland are heavily polluted with agricultural pesticides, a study found. A former U.S. security official warns that climate change will create more conflict and refugees in the Asia-Pacific region. Rainfall from the remnants of Cyclone Debbie flooded New Zealand's North Island this week. A plan to take groundwater from the Mojave Desert to California cities is one step closer to reality.

The Stream, April 4: Australia Tightens Drinking Water Standards For PFAS

New federal guidelines in Australia significantly reduce the amount of PFAS, chemicals found in firefighting foam, that are allowed in drinking water. Federal budget cuts in Brazil will reduce science funding by nearly half. Michigan's budget could feel the effects of the Flint water crisis for a long time, despite a recent settlement agreement. An appeal related to the U.S. Clean Water Rule will continue after the Supreme Court refused to put the case on hold. Record rainfall in parts of Western Australia filled inland lakes and attracted thousands of nesting birds.

The Stream, April 3: More Than 200 Killed In Colombia Mudslide

The Global Rundown Hundreds of people were killed or injured…

The Stream, March 31: California Snowpack 164 Percent Of Average

The Global Rundown Snowpack in California's Sierra Nevada mountains…