Federal Water Tap, September 16: Trump Administration Finalizes WOTUS Repeal

The Rundown The Army Corps and EPA move to reduce Clean Water…

Federal Water Tap, September 9: House Members Request ‘Strong Package’ of PFAS Provision in Defense Bill

The Rundown The Congressional PFAS Task Force and others ask…

Federal Water Tap, September 3: Houston Agrees to $2 Billion Consent Decree to Patch Sewer System

The Rundown One of the nation’s largest municipal sewage systems…

Federal Water Tap, August 26: Congress Gets Water Lessons on Summer Break

The Rundown Great Lakes senators learn about water issues in…

Federal Water Tap, August 19: First Mandatory Colorado River Basin Cutbacks

The Rundown A Bureau of Reclamation reservoir forecast triggers…

Federal Water Tap, August 12: EPA Proposes Limiting Use of Clean Water Act to Review Fossil Fuel Infrastructure

The Rundown EPA aims to change Clean Water Act provisions that…

Federal Water Tap, August 5: EPA Revokes Pebble Mine Veto

The Rundown The EPA, after criticizing an Army Corps environmental…

Federal Water Tap, July 29: Defense Department Announces PFAS Task Force

The Rundown The new defense secretary’s initial action is…

Federal Water Tap, July 22: Two Major Water Regulations Await White House Approval

The Rundown A new Waters of the United States rule gets closer…

Federal Water Tap, June 24: Senate Committee Approves PFAS Package

The Rundown PFAS package moves along in the Senate. The EPA…

Federal Water Tap, June 17: Senators Release PFAS Bill Package

The Rundown The legislation aims to force the EPA to regulate…

Federal Water Tap, June 10: EPA Tries to Limit State Clean Water Act Reviews

The Rundown Disputes over energy infrastructure that states…