Federal Water Tap, February 12: Modifying Glen Canyon Dam Operations to Combat Non-native Fish

The Rundown Bureau of Reclamation proposes changes to Glen…

Federal Water Tap, February 5: NSF Selects Water, Climate Innovation Hubs

The Rundown National Science Foundation invests potentially…

Federal Water Tap, January 29: EPA Proposes Stricter Water Pollution Limits for Large Slaughterhouses

The Rundown EPA proposal would restrict nutrient pollution…

Federal Water Tap, January 15: EPA Water Leader Will Step Down

The Rundown Radhika Fox, head of the EPA Office of Water,…

Federal Water Tap, January 8: EPA River Survey Notes Ecosystem Improvements, Challenges Nationally

The Rundown EPA river and stream survey indicates slightly…

Federal Water Tap, December 18: White House Signs Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative

The Rundown EPA proposes water quality standards to protect…

Federal Water Tap, December 11: EPA Rejects Florida Water Quality Standards

The Rundown EPA proposes stronger water quality standards…

Federal Water Tap, December 4: EPA Proposes 10-Year Timeline to Remove Most Lead Pipes

The Rundown EPA thinks most utilities can remove lead pipes…

Federal Water Tap, November 20: Report Concludes Water Managers “Slow to Adapt” to Climate Changes

The Rundown Fifth National Climate Assessment outlines the…

Federal Water Tap, November 13: EPA Takes Next Step in Nitrate Health Assessment

The Rundown EPA’s health assessment division releases…