The Stream, December 30: Great Lakes Water Levels May Drop

Water levels are expected to rise on Lake Erie and Lake Ontario…

The Stream, December 23: Water Concerns In Argentina

Water access and use are a concern in Argentina, where 11 percent…

Peter Gleick: Zombie Water Projects (Just when you thought they were really dead…)

Not all zombies are fictional, and some are potentially really dangerous – at least to our pocketbooks and environment. These include zombie water projects: large, costly water projects that are proposed, killed for one reason or another, and are brought back to life, even if the project itself is socially, politically, economically, and environmentally unjustified.

The Stream, October 28: Environmental Security in Latin America

Environmental security is becoming a top priority in international…
Great Lakes Biennial Meeting IJC 2011 Detroit Michigan

Report & Conference: Assessing Great Lakes Health and Future — Al Gore Delivers Keynote

In Detroit last week, three organizations involved in Great Lakes management held concurrent and joint meetings to discuss the future of one of the world’s largest sources of fresh surface water. Former Vice President Al Gore delivered the keynote address, linking climate change to water issues.
The Stream

The Stream, October 7: Final Hearing On Keystone XL Pipeline

Environmentalist Bill McKibben talks to the Guardian about tar…

The Stream, September 23: Sand Mining and Water Quality

Plans to capture and store carbon have failed to gain traction…

The Stream, September 8: Peak Water in Saudi Arabia

Peak water looms more ominously than peak oil for Saudi Arabia,…

Infographic: Wild Rice is Keystone Species for Upper Great Lakes Region

Wild Rice is an aquatic grass that is harvested annually for…
Wild rice on the Bad River Reservation in northern Wisconsin is in the floating leaf stage by early June, with a single shoot lying on the water’s surface. This is considered one of the most critical—and and dangerous—stages in the rice’s life cycle. The plants are just beginning to change physiologically from exchanging gases with the water column to exchanging gases with the air. Therefore, they are very susceptible to heavy rains and flooding events that can either rip out the young plants by the roots, or drown them. June 6, 2011.

Where Food Grows on Water: Environmental and Human Threats to Wisconsin’s Wild Rice

For generations, the upper Great Lakes region has boasted harvests of wild rice, growing in Lake Superior and other watersheds within the basin. But disease, dams, and climate change are now endangering the uncultivated bounty.

Circle of Blue Director Appointed to World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Water Security

J. Carl Ganter is director of Circle of Blue, a global water…

Business vs. Environment: Ohio Governor Vetoes Lake Erie Water Withdrawal Bill

The highly controversial bill set the highest thresholds for water withdrawal permits in the Great Lakes region, sparking debate between environmentalists and businesses over the use of Lake Erie water.