Quagga Mussels Choking Lake Michigan
A soon to be released report by NOAA scientist Tom Nelepa and others is quantifying this dramatic change in lake ecology
Shipping Group Sings Ballast Water Blues, Regulations Remain
DULUTH, Minnesota -- Zebra Mussels traveling into the Great…
Obama, With Emanuel, May Spell Greater Conservation Efforts for the Great Lakes
Advocacy groups and political analysts predict strong Great…
Great Lakes Wind Turbines Could Someday Power the Midwest
Hundreds of thousands of wind turbines could someday stretch…
Great Lakes Compact: Nestle Joins Bottled Water Exemption Debate
CHICAGO -- The bottled water loophole in the Great Lakes Compact…
Video: James Olson Discusses the Great Lakes Compact
In an interview with Circle of Blue, James M. Olson discusses the Great Lakes Compact: an international agreement intended to protect the Great Lakes Basin.
Senate Endorses Great Lakes Compact, Amid Growing Concern for Region’s Health
CHICAGO - After a decade of deliberation, the bill created…
Appellate Court Blasts Ballast Water Dumping in Great Lakes
An appeals court in California upheld the decision to bar ships…
Op-ed: Though the Compact is Signed, Great Lakes are Still at Risk
TOLEDO, Ohio — What seems like a near-perfect deal to protect…
Great Lakes compact now moves to Congress
SAUGATUCK, Michigan - Michigan became the last state to approve…
Wisconsin Passes Great Lakes Compact
MADISON, Wisconsin — Both houses of the Wisconsin Legislature…
Michigan Dips Toe Into Great Lakes Compact
LANSING, Michigan — Michigan's House and Senate each passed…