HotSpots H2O: India’s Monsoon Season, Wettest in 25 Years, Comes to an End

Following a slow start, India was deluged this year with its heaviest monsoon rains in a quarter century.

HotSpots H2O: Financial Troubles Jeopardize Drinking Water Supply in Zimbabwe Capital

The main drinking water plant for Harare resumed treating water after a two-day shutdown that exacerbated shortages in a capital city that is already reeling from drought.

HotSpots H2O: Locals, Citing Water Concerns, Resist Mexico City Airport Plan

Mexico City’s indigenous residents are pushing back against the revised plan for expanding the megacity’s airport infrastructure.

HotSpots H2O: In Bahamas, Lack of Toilets and Safe Water Pose Disease Risk After Dorian

The Bahamas are still reeling after Hurricane Dorian caused widespread destruction earlier this month.

HotSpots H2O: In Somalia, Severe Food Shortages Follow Meager Harvest

Somalia’s cereal production is the worst since 2011, a year when famine killed more than 200,000 people in the East African country.

HotSpots H2O: Water and Conflict Links Discussed at World Water Week

Water shortages and climate change are contributing to a rise in conflict, according to experts at World Water Week.

HotSpots H2O: Hydropower Construction Heightens Political Pressure Along Mekong River

Low water levels are fueling tensions between those living on the Mekong River and those who aspire to wring electricity from the backbone of Southeast Asia by damming it.

HotSpots H2O: Drought and Unrest Push Residents Out of Central America’s Dry Corridor

Residents of Central America’s Dry Corridor are at a crossroads: stay in the drought-stricken region, where food insecurity and violence are rampant, or migrate.

HotSpots H2O: Nine Million People in South Sudan Do Not Have Enough Food

Extreme food insecurity is affecting 9 million people in South Sudan, and thousands are at risk of famine. Severe food shortages are due to years of conflict coupled with cyclical drought. 

HotSpots H2O: Taps Run Dry for Millions in Zimbabwe’s Capital

Half of residents in Zimbabwe’s capital are without municipal drinking water as drought and inadequate infrastructure parch the city of some 4.5 million people. 

HotSpots H2O: Deadly Monsoon Flooding Pummels Southern Asia

As taps run dry in Chennai, residents of other areas of southern Asia are being inundated by deadly monsoon rains.

HotSpots H2O: Eight Water Facilities Attacked in Northwest Syria

Eight water facilities in northwest Syria were damaged during skirmishes in recent weeks, disrupting drinking water provision for nearly 250,000 people.