HotSpots H2O: Palm and Sugarcane Plantations Strip Guatemalan Farmers of Land, Water Access

As global demand for biofuel increases, plantations are crowding out traditional farming in Guatemala,which has spurred land and water quarrels

HotSpots H2O: Despite Peace Deal, Water Scarcity Worse Than Ever in South Sudan

The number of South Sudanese citizens facing food and water insecurity continues to grow following a five-year civil war.

HotSpots H2O: Resource Conflicts Rattle Nigeria in Lead-Up to Elections

Conflict between farmers and herders over water and pasture shook Nigeria in recent years, leaving more than 1,500 people dead in 2018.

HotSpots H2O: In Test of Regional Water Cooperation, Pakistan Inspects Indian Hydropower Projects

India and Pakistan will rekindle the cooperative spirit of a nearly six-decade-old river-sharing treaty this week, when a delegation from Pakistan inspects two Indian hydropower projects along the Chenab River.

HotSpots H2O: Massive Fish Kills Fuel Anger Over Murray-Darling Basin Management

Australia’s Murray-Darling Basin is mired in another controversy following recent fish kills. Up to one million fish are dead.

HotSpots H2O: Water Crisis Continues to Debilitate Gaza Strip

Polluted water in the Gaza Strip continues to sicken people — and there are few signs of improvement.

HotSpots H2O: Water Conflicts to Watch in 2019

Water will continue to be intertwined with social and political tension in 2019.

HotSpots H2O, December 17: Refugees Returning to Syria Face Devastated Water, Sewage Infrastructure

The Rundown Islamic State (IS) militants were ousted from key…

HotSpots H2O, December 10: Inequality Fuels Water Quarrels in India’s Second Most Populous State

The Rundown In late October, the government of Maharashtra,…

HotSpots H2O, December 3: Water Infrastructure Still a Target in Ukrainian Conflict

Attacks on civilian water infrastructure remain a strategic vulnerability in the ongoing conflict between the Ukrainian military and separatists.

HotSpots H2O, November 26: Delays and Disagreements Hinder Africa’s Largest Hydropower Dam

The Rundown The fate of a controversial dam that Ethiopia is…

HotSpots H2O, November 19: Deadly Water Disputes Intensify in Central Asia as Glaciers Melt

The Rundown In Central Asia, small-scale water conflicts flare…