HotSpots H2O, April 23: Spotlight on South Sudan

Conflict with anti-government rebels has aggravated water shortages in a country where public services are already in short supply.

HotSpots H2O, April 16: Spotlight on the Refugee Influx in Uganda

Uganda is home to the world’s fastest-growing refugee crisis. The rapid influx is putting increasing stress on the country’s water availability.

HotSpots H2O, April 9: Spotlight on Libya

In 2011, amid the chaos of civil war, Muammar Gaddafi was overthrown. Unrest continues today, along with the breakdown of basic services such as water and sanitation.

HotSpots H2O, April 2: Spotlight on Afghanistan

The Rundown In Afghanistan, the ties between water and conflict…

HotSpots H2O, March 26: Spotlight on the Water Crisis in Gaza

The Gaza Strip may soon be unlivable, largely due to the territory’s devastated water supply.

HotSpots H2O, March 19: Spotlight on Eastern Ukraine

The Rundown Civilian water infrastructure has been targeted…

HotSpots H2O, March 12: Spotlight on Recent Unrest in Syria

Violence is escalating across war-torn Syria, leading to civilian deaths, devastated infrastructure, and severe water shortages.

HotSpots H2O, March 5: Spotlight on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

Ethiopia is building a mega-dam along the Nile River, and the ambitious project is straining relations with downstream Egypt.

HotSpots H2O, February 26: Spotlight on Yemen’s Ongoing Import Blockade

The Rundown In early November 2017, Saudi Arabia placed a crippling…

HotSpots H2O: Spotlight on Somalia

The Rundown Cyclical drought has cursed Somalia for the past…

HotSpots H2O, February 12: Spotlight on Drought and Unrest in Iran

Scarce rainfall and poor water management have led to prolonged drought in Iran. As the dry spell continues, water shortages could spark further unrest in the country.

HotSpots H2O, February 7: Spotlight on the Rohingya Refugee Crisis

Since August 2017, nearly 700,000 Rohingya Muslims have fled persecution in Myanmar following widespread, brutal attacks against the Rohingya community.