HotSpots H2O, March 28: One in Four Children Will Face Water Scarcity by 2040
The Global Rundown
One in four children will live in areas of…
HotSpots H2O, March 21: Conflict in Yemen Leaves Millions Hungry and Thirsty
The Global Rundown
Yemen hovers at the “point of no return”…
HotSpots H2O, March 14: Famine Could Cause Worst Humanitarian Crisis Since World War II
The Global Rundown
The world may be heading toward the worst…
HotSpots H2O, March 7: African Leaders Debate Nile River Usage Rights
The Global Rundown
Ugandan president Yoweri Museveni calls for…
HotSpots H2O, February 28: Pope Francis Warns of World War Over Water
The Global Rundown
Pope Francis warns that water scarcity may…