HotSpots H2O: Water, Sanitation Services Face Shutdown in Yemen as Aid Funding Falls Short

Aid operations to offset the deprivations of war are at risk of collapse in Yemen as funding falters, the United Nations warned last week. 

HotSpots H2O: In Niger, Thousands Flee Attack That Cut Water to 35,000 Refugees

Dozens of gunmen descended last week on Intikane, a town in western Niger that had been hosting 35,000 displaced people.

HotSpots H2O: Major Cyberattack on Israeli Water Systems Foreshadows Future Dangers to Infrastructure

Israel thwarted a major cyberattack on its water systems last month, the country’s national cyber chief Yigal Unna confirmed last week.

HotSpots H2O: Powerful Cyclone Amphan Uproots Millions in Bangladesh and India

Parts of Bangladesh and eastern India are reeling in the aftermath of Cyclone Amphan, the most powerful storm to hit the region in more than a decade. 

HotSpots H2O: First Case of Covid-19 Confirmed in Crowded Rohingya Refugee Camps

The first case of Covid-19 has been confirmed in one of the world's largest refugee camps, in Bangladesh, which has been preparing for months for the arrival of the illness. 

HotSpots H2O: Flooding, Locusts, and Covid-19 Strike East Africa

Heavy rainfall and fatal flooding struck parts of East Africa over the past several weeks, leaving hundreds of people dead and displacing thousands. 

HotSpots H2O: Tracking Covid-19 Cases in the World’s Most Vulnerable Countries

The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in countries identified as priorities in the humanitarian response to the coronavirus pandemic has surpassed 30,000, according to data collected by ReliefWeb.

HotSpots H2O: Acute Hunger Could Double Worldwide Due to Covid-19 Crisis, WFP Warns

The World Food Programme and other aid organizations warn that the Covid-19 pandemic and its economic reverberations could cause a substantial spike in global food insecurity.  

HotSpots H2O: Lower Mekong Nations Seek Greater Cooperation from China Following Recent Study

Delicate discussions over the future of the imperiled Mekong River could be further complicated by the findings of a new study, which claims that China withheld water from drought-hit downstream nations last year.

HotSpots H2O: Water Cuts for Millions in Tripoli as Libya Coronavirus Caseload Rises

Unrelenting conflict is hindering Libya’s efforts to combat the new coronavirus.

HotSpots H2O: U.S. Great Lakes, Near Record Highs, Pummel Coastal Infrastructure

The U.S. Great Lakes have surged to unprecedented levels, causing tens of millions of dollars in damage to coastal roads, marinas, and household property.

HotSpots H2O: U.S. Federal Judge Calls for Full Environmental Review of Dakota Access Pipeline

U.S. District Judge James Boasberg struck down federal permits for the Dakota Access pipeline, calling for a full environmental review