Peter Gleick: New McCarthyism: Fear of Science and the War on Rationality

Fear of Knowledge and ScienceAs more and more of the world looks to knowledge, education and science as the routes out of poverty and conflict, parts of America seems to be slipping back toward the Dark Ages,

Peter Gleick: Temperance Flat Reservoir Falls Flat

Rigged feasibility study shows desperation for new surface reservoirs.
Peter Gleick

Peter Gleick: The Denominator Problem; Misleading Use of Water Numbers

I'm a believer in the power of facts and numbers to help make public policy.

Peter Gleick: An International Water Perspective; Water in Crisis

World Water Week I'm spending the week at the Stockholm Water Symposium, an international meeting involving more than 2,000 people from over 130 countries.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’

Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

Peter Gleick: Whose Water Is It? Water Rights in the Age of Scarcity

riversbranch Who "owns" what water? Or, if water belongs to the public, who has the right to use it?

Peter Gleick: Get Rid of Your Clunker

More on Inefficient Washing Machines (and Toilets and Irrigation Systems)

Peter Gleick: Why Do You Still Have a Top-loading Washing Machine?

Peter Gleick Washing MachineMy colleagues and I here at the Pacific Institute have been arguing for more than 15 years that California has enormous potential to save water by improving water use efficiency.

Peter Gleick: An Eastern Judge Points the Way to Solving Western Water Problems

chattahoochee A District Court judge in the southeastern United States has just described our water problems with stunning clarity.

Peter Gleick: Rainbow Waters, Fishing for Hope

I flyfish. Infrequently and badly. But as any unsuccessful…

Peter Gleick: Western Governors and New Thinking on Water

I had the opportunity this week to brief a group of western…