Peter Gleick

Peter Gleick: Is the U.S. Reaching Peak Water?

Adequate, high-quality freshwater is fundamental for health, growing food, natural ecosystems, and a productive U.S. economy including the production of energy and all vital goods and services. But as populations and economies grow, new constraints on water resources are appearing, raising questions about ultimate limits to water availability.

Peter Gleick: Water as a Weapon — Qaddafi’s Last Desperate Gamble

There is a long history of conflicts over water. The first known water war was nearly 5,000 years ago: a conflict over irrigation ditches between the cities of Umma and Lagash in ancient Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in what is now Iraq.

Peter Gleick: It’s Hotter Than It Used to Be; It’s Not as Hot as It’s Going to Be

Holy crap it's hot. People, animals, and crops are dying.

Peter Gleick: When Beliefs Conflict with Facts

Representative Jim Costa and the California Drought

Peter Gleick: What Do You Know? Water Conservation and Efficiency Actually Work

A new analysis from the Pacific Institute Municipal Deliveries of Colorado River Basin Water, authored by Michael J. Cohen, documents real changes in population and water deliveries for 100 cities and water agencies in the U.S. and Mexico that deliver and use water from the Colorado River Basin. Total population in these areas grew by more than 10 million people between 1990 and 2008, but water use per person dropped by around 20 percent over the same period (around 1% per year).

James Workman: Mandela’s Global Water Ambassador Dies — A Reflection on South African Human Rights Lawyer, Kader Asmal

When Nelson Mandela named South Africa’s first democratic Minister for Water Affairs and Forestry – a futile effort to keep his outspoken, irascible, chain-smoking friend out of trouble – Kader Asmal claimed ignorance about the rudimentary basics of his new portfolio.

Peter Gleick: The California Drought (2007-2009) – Myth Versus Reality

It has been a wet year. Very wet. But remember the drought? California…
Drinking Fountain

Peter Gleick: Whither Bottled Water Sales?

Major public campaigns against bottled water had recently been initiated by students, activist groups, local communities, and even some restaurateurs, including several high-profile ones in the Bay Area and the two-year drop in sales after years of double-digit annual growth was perceived by some, including me, as an indication that the unchallenged claims of the industry were beginning to be met with skepticism, education, and consumer reaction.

Peter Gleick: Another Cost of Bottled Water — Environmental Injustice and Inequity

We've known for a long time that bottled water costs far more than safe, reliable, municipal tap water systems, with those costs falling on individuals, communities, and the environment.
Peter Gleick

Peter Gleick: Where Have All Our Drinking Water Fountains Gone?

Where have all our drinking water fountains gone? They have been…
Water China Energy

Circle of Blue’s China Tour Finds Strong Reception for Water-Energy Choke Point Warning

Circle of Blue and the Wilson Center’s China Environment Forum present at 17 events in 4 cities over 16 days.

Ned Breslin: Lasting Coverage — Retooling the WASH Model’s “Beneficiary” Indicators (Part II)

So if “beneficiaries” are a terrible indicator of success in the international water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) sector, then what should take their place?