Export Agriculture Drains Latin America’s Water Supplies

Peruvian asparagus and Costa Rican pineapples illustrate the threats global agribusiness poses to the environment.

Peter Gleick: The Human Right to Water, at Last

I've often daydreamed about what an alien civilization would think about Earth if it were ever to come visit.

Peter Gleick: Time for a Drinking Water Fountain Renaissance

One of the reasons for the explosive growth in the sales of bottled water in the past two decades is the disappearance of public drinking water fountains.

In Solar Power Lies Path to Reducing Water Use For Energy

California’s latest proposed desert solar power plant could compromise desert habitat.

$US9.3 Billion Spent to Protect Watersheds in 2008, Report Says

A report by researchers at Ecosystem Marketplace is the first to catalogue the dollar value of payments to landowners for watershed protection.

Interactive Map: Top Ten Global Oil Spills

Details of the ten worst oil spills in history by volume, date, location, and company damages.

Oil Spill in Gulf Could Wash Ashore by Friday, Officials

The oil spill from an oil rig explosion could be leaking oil at five times the rate previously assumed.

Tehuacán Valley, Mexico Remains Resilient as Nation Faces Worst Water Crisis in Decades

Severe water scarcity is a daily reality for many in Mexico, particularly the people of Tehuacán Valley.
Alfonso Gonzalez is a cattle farmer who actively participates in conservation initiatives around Cuatro Ciénegas.  In one effort, a  pond on his property was restored to its original state, leading the area around it to regenerate humidity and lush flora and fauna.

Q&A: Raúl Garciadiego Helps Restore Access to Water in the Tehuacán Valley

The people who inhabit Tehuacán Valley in southeast Mexico humanize one of the greatest global crises.

Divining Destiny – Tehuacán, Mexico Field Team

Brent Stirton is the senior staff photojournalist for Getty Images and his work from the front lines of the world’s conflicts and crises is seen regularly in major international magazines. He has a rare gift for expressing compassion through his lens. His drive to tell the critical yet complex global story of water has led to some of the most powerful imagery to date.

Photo Slideshow: Divining Destiny in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

Newsweek's Latin America bureau chief and a top Getty photographer from South Africa were among the team that produced the content seen here.

Divining Destiny: Water Challenges in Mexico’s Tehuacán Valley

SPECIAL APPRECIATION to the Ford Foundation for investing in the power of the human story, well told.