Water Supply at Risk, Las Vegas Considers $650 Million Insurance Policy

A new pumping station would draw water from the bottom of a shrinking Lake Mead.

Infographic: World Food Supplies Concentrated in Brazil, China, Europe, India, and United States

The amount of food in storage around the world is on the rise, but stocks are still historically low.

Diluted Bitumen Study: Expert Committee Holds First Meeting

An investigation begins this week as to whether spills of heavy oils pose a greater environmental threat than spills of other crude oils.
A South American drought keeps global grain reserves tight, but it could mean good things for North American corn producers.

World Food Supplies Recover From Drought and Reach 15-Year High

Water scarcity and extreme weather are two reasons that food prices will stay high, however.

Orange County Recycled Water System Shows Importance of Collaboration

From Southern California, a model of success for water’s future.

U.S. Farm Irrigation Becomes More Efficient, Moves East

Federal data show that U.S. farms use less water and are investing…

U.S.-China Climate Deal Includes Provision on Water-Energy Research

A joint energy research program will be extended and expanded to include water.

Surrounded By Water, Ohio River Valley Experiences Economic Resurgence

Six-state region at head of American recovery.

Californians Will Vote on Big Water Bond Not Knowing Exactly What They Are Buying

Rules for choosing the most controversial projects will be written later.

San Antonio Pipeline Continues Texas Water Rush

America’s seventh-largest city debates a pipeline project worth billions as the second-fastest-growing state faces more demands for water in its third year of severe drought.

Hawaii River Restorations Reflect National Desire to Protect Water for Public Benefit

Using public trust doctrine, communities restore streams diverted…

Report: U.S. Water Systems, Deteriorated and Slow to Change, Need New Strategy – And Money

More of the same is not working in changed conditions of the 21st century.