Running Dry: One Man’s Journey to Raise Awareness About the Shrinking Colorado River
In 2008 journalist and photographer Jon Waterman spent five months traveling the Colorado River to understand the extent of its shrinking.

World Water Week 2010 Tackles Quality Issues
Canadian teen duo wins the prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize for their project on biodegredation.

U.S. Gains Carp Czar, Court Hears Testimony on the Invasive Fish
The newly appointed czar says he's undecided on separating the infested Mississippi and Illinois rivers from Lake Michigan.

Coal Ash Contaminates Groundwater and Drinking Water Sites in 21 States, Study Finds
The EPA must do a better job of regulating the waste and protecting the nation’s water supply.

Government Warns Against Contaminated Water in Wyoming Town
Freshwater wells deemed unsafe because of hydrocarbons.

Infographic: Water Use Per Mile Driven — Biofuels vs. Fossil Fuels
A breakdown of gallons of water used by transportation fuels per mile.

Peter Gleick: California’s Next One Million Acre-Feet of Water
This is a key time for California water: we are coming off of three years of serious drought and growing political conflict over water allocations.

Energy Department Blocks Disclosure of Road Map to Relieve Critical U.S. Energy-Water Choke Points
Withheld report was requested and funded by Congress.

In Solar Power Lies Path to Reducing Water Use For Energy
California’s latest proposed desert solar power plant could compromise desert habitat.
Bulk Water Company Plans to Export to India, East Asia and the Caribbean
‘Water has to come to the people,’ president of S2C Global tells Circle of Blue.
Peter Gleick: How Much Water do YOU Use at Home?
A new tool for figuring out our home water and energy and greenhouse gas footprint.
The Price of Wastewater: A Comparison of Sewer Rates in 30 U.S. Cities
Following Circle of Blue’s survey of water prices, we examine the wastewater costs of the same 30 major cities.