Q&A: Josh Fox on the ‘Toxification’ of U.S. Water Sources in the Dig for Natural Gas
The documentary “Gasland" has shown at film festivals and on HBO.
Lawmakers Pass Bill to Protect Argentina’s Glaciers
Bill passes that will ban mining and oil drilling in Andean ice fields.
U.S. State Department Releases Annual Report on Water Aid
An assessment of U.S. spending for water aid shows that funding from USAID has increased, while Millennium Challenge water grants decreased.
Peter Gleick: Massive Water Bond Delayed: Back to more Realistic Water Solutions
The California Legislature pulled the massive $11 billion water bond from the November ballot and moved it to 2012.
Tar Sands Oil Production, An Industrial Bonanza, Poses Major Water Use Challenges
Ensuring Americans enjoy a lifestyle built on choice and mobility.
Pipeline Ties Detroit Refinery to “Dirtiest Source of Fossil Fuels”
State department says oil is needed; Congress leader joins activists in raising concerns.
Study Reviews Western United States’ Water and Energy Future
Proposed western water supply projects are energy- and carbon-intensive, research group says.
Peter Gleick: The California Water Bond — What Does Proposition 18 Really Say and Do?
The costs and benefits of California's largest water bond in a half century have not been fully assessed by an independent organization.
Infographic: Michigan Mineral Rights
In Michigan, $178 million for nearly 120,000 acres of state-owned minerals in 20 counties.
Michigan Says It’s Ready For Next Drilling Boom
“Fracking” is the injection of water and chemicals to rupture deep shale and release natural gas.
A Desperate Clinch: Coal Production Confronts Water Scarcity
In contest with coal, water takes a beating.
Why Gas Leaks Matter in the Hydraulic Fracturing Debate
Methane migration is critical to discussions of underground contamination risks from fracking.