Charting Asian Carp’s Course
Four species of Asian carp were first imported into Arkansas in the early 1970s. Since then the voracious, rapidly multiplying fish have migrated northwards, edging ever-closer to the Great Lakes.
Congress Holds Hearing to Debate Closing Chicago-Area Locks
A Great Lakes expert warned that closing off the canals that link Chicago is the only way to keep invasive species out
Medications Discarded in Landfills May Be Contaminating Maine’s Water
A survey from the Maine Department of Environmental Quality has revealed that traces of medications like birth control, antidepressants, and pain relievers were found in the liquid that drains from landfills
Peter Gleick: Water Fountain Victory — the Cavs Cave
OK, my crystal ball is often cloudy, but in my last post just two days ago, I predicted that the decision by the Cleveland Cavaliers to remove the drinking water fountains from the Quicken Loans Arena (the Q), ostensibly for health reasons, would ultimately be reversed.
Liquid Assets: Tide Turns Against Privatization of City Water Systems
There's nothing like a fiscal deficit to prompt municipal leaders to think hard about how to save money. Everything is on the table and no city service or asset is untouchable. So last November when the mayor of Carbondale, Illinois made several suggestions for bailing out the cash-strapped city, the idea of selling the municipal water and sewer system gained serious traction.
Obama Administration Pledges $78.5 Million to Fight Asian Carp; Great Lakes Governors Want More Than Cash
Following a Monday “carp summit” at the White House, Governor Jennifer Granholm said that she was “very disappointed”
Asian Carp Threat Prompts Protest Near Lake Michigan Shore
Fishing enthusiasts and state representatives rallied on the banks of Traverse City’s Boardman River Saturday
Michigan Takes Asian Carp Fight Back To the Supreme Court
Attorney General files a new brief to sever ties between Lake Michigan and carp-invested Chicago canals.
Major Nevada Pipeline Project in Limbo
Plans for a major freshwater pipeline for the Las Vegas Valley hit a legal roadblock.
A ruling from Nevada's Supreme Court last week has threatened the fate of a massive pipeline project once hailed as critical to Las Vegas’ freshwater supply
U.S. Water Managers Gather at Global Conference To Brace for Climate Change
The people responsible for some of the largest water utilities in the U.S. gathered in Washington, D.C. last week to exchange climate change coping strategies with their overseas counterparts.
Texas Water District Gets Funds for Pipeline Project
The pipeline will connect three reservoirs in order to save money on energy costs. The Tarrant Regional Water District received approval for a $101 million loan to finance part of a 180-mile pipeline serving the Dallas-Fort Worth area, the Texas Water Development Board announced in January.
Wisconsin City Makes Its Case for Diversion of Great Lakes Water
City officials in Waukesha, Wisconsin spelled out why they need Great Lakes water to replace their radium-contaminated city water wells Thursday, and why tapping into the world’s largest freshwater supply makes more sense than drilling more wells.