U.S. Supreme Court Denies Mississippi’s Claims against Memphis
The United States Supreme Court declined to hear a lawsuit claiming that Memphis is pumping too much water out of a shared aquifer, the Memphis Commercial Appeal reports.
A Reader’s Insight: Tapping Into Young Americans to Stop the Water Crisis
Over the past two decades, the global economy has witnessed extraordinary, previously unimaginable technological advances and scientific feats. Money and complicated business propositions change hands virtually. Meanwhile medical science defies death and disease on a daily basis, as the worldwide web enables instant communication across oceans. Despite these tremendous advancements in life and technology, the greatest issue we face is our depleting water supply.
Perspective: Water, Energy, Economy, Poverty, and Haiti
The average Haitian has been living the life of a disaster victim even before the earthquake. It is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Its human development and other indices were about what one would find in some of the poorest sub-Saharan countries. Mismanagement, corruption and just plain venality have forever been human-caused security earthquakes in this sad country.
New Plan Approved to Protect Chicagoland Water
A three-year effort to develop a landmark water plan for the greater Chicago region was unanimously approved by political and environmental stakeholders Tuesday.
Reforms Could Lead to Huge Water Savings for California, Pacific Institute Says
Replacing inefficient appliances in homes and upgrading wasteful agricultural equipment could save one million acre feet of water in California, according to a Pacific Institute report released Monday. These reforms could also save the parched state six to eight million acre feet by 2020.
Legal Battle Over Asian Carp in the Great Lakes Heats Up
The White House responds to calls for a Great Lakes summit to protect the lakes and their $7 billion sportfishing industry from the invasive species.
Tehuacán Video Essay: Scarcity and Solutions
Forces of man and nature have turned this valley’s freshwater supply, once renowned throughout Mexico, into an ancient memory.
Colorado Developer Provides Customer List for Proposed Water Pipeline
Colorado's potential water demand from a proposed water pipeline originating in Wyoming is 50 percent more than the amount proposed for delivery, according to documents submitted yesterday to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
At the Helm of the First U.S. Freshwater Studies Program — Meet Hans VanSumeren
Hans VanSumeren has performed extensive water-related research from Maine to the Florida Keys, as far West as the Hawaiian Islands, and all the way to the bitter north of the Alaskan Bering Glacier. His latest adventure — creating the only Freshwater Studies program in the nation — is innovatively using eduction to combat the global water crisis.
Supreme Court Declines To Wade Into Asian Carp Fight, Worrying Great Lakes Governors
DNA tests indicate the invasive species may already have entered Lake Michigan.
Climate Change To Heighten International Tensions Over Freshwater Resources
Growing supply and demand gaps.
Peter Gleick: Water for Haiti, Now
Information on the disaster in Haiti is only slowly coming out, but it is clear that the magnitude and extent of the catastrophe is vast, in a land seemingly cursed by endless environmental destruction.