Dams Demolished, Rivers Revived

Dam decommissioning accelerates in the Pacific Northwest.

Alternative Adventure: Eco-explorer David De Rothschild to Travel the Pacific in Plastic Ship

After traversing Antarctica in 2004 and spending more than 100 days crossing the Arctic in 2006, in mid-November British adventurer and ecologist David de Rothschild will hoist sail across the Pacific Ocean on a boat made of plastic, or what he calls “the dumbest” product on the planet.

Peter Gleick: Destroying our Libraries: A Water Story

Libary of Alexandria, Courtesy: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:DomitoriIn 49 BC, parts of the priceless Library of Alexandria burned, when Julius Caesar set a fire to the Egyptian fleet in the harbor and the fire spread.

Global Warming is Melting Away Arctic Summer Ice

Disappearing Arctic Summer IceWithin 20 years the Arctic Ocean will be ice-free in summer due to global warming, according to a Catlin Arctic-World Wildlife Federation (WWF) survey released Wednesday.

Georgia and Tennessee: 200 Years of a Tennessee River Toss-up

Tennessee River Water Allocation Face-offCould the fourth time be the charm for Georgia's push to re-negotiate its border with Tennessee?

America’s Water Supply: Scarcity Becoming Endemic

Americans have good reason to be concerned about the future of the nation’s supply of clean fresh water, according to state and federal research and resource agencies.

Alabama, Florida and Georgia: A Tri-State Tug-of-War for Lake Lanier

Congress solidifies a federal judge's ruling to settle a 20-year-old dispute.

Nevada and Utah: Desert Aquifer Dispute in Snake Valley

Snake Valley, Utah.  Image courtesy of the Utah Geological SurveryA highly disputed bill sits on the desk of Utah Governor Gary Herbert that would allow the construction of a 300-mile pipeline to pump 16 billion gallons of groundwater from the Snake Valley aquifer to as many as 120,000 households in the growing desert metropolis of Las Vegas, Nevada.

North vs. South: Carolinas in Supreme Court Battle for Catawba River

The Catawba River is used by more than 30 cities and 17 counties for industry and drinking.

Mississippi vs. Tennessee: Billion-dollar Supreme Court Question, “Is Memphis Stealing Water?”

Mephis TennesseeThe Supreme Court will decide if Memphis has been stealing Mississippi's groundwater since 1985 and must pay $1 billion in damages.

London on Tap: Reducing Bottled Water Consumption

London authorities have paired up with Thames Water, Britain’s…

With Natural Gas Drilling Boom, Pennsylvania Faces an Onslaught of Wastewater

By Joaquin Sapien ProPublica Workers at a steel mill and a…