Video: WaterLife Director Kevin McMahon Tells the Story of the Great Lakes
A cinematic survey of the state of the Great Lakes in Canada and the United States.

EPA: Chemicals Found in Wyoming Drinking Water Might Be From Fracking
By Abrahm Lustgarten
Federal environment officials…

WaterViews | Canada
Water is regarded as a serious issue by Canadians, particularly water pollution and the lack of safe drinking water.

Peter Gleick: ‘Drought Impacts on Unemployment Are Grossly Overstated’
Thus concludes a new comprehensive assessment of the impacts of the drought on Central Valley unemployment.

Peter Gleick: Get Rid of Your Clunker
More on Inefficient Washing Machines (and Toilets and Irrigation Systems)

Water Problems From Drilling Are More Frequent Than PA Officials Said
By Abrahm Lustgarten
When methane began bubbling…