Toxic Algae Blooms Prompt Clean-Up Commitment from Great Lakes Governors

State and provincial leaders act to end danger to Lake Erie, which has suffered from a resurgence of nutrient pollution and toxic algae outbreaks over the past decade.

Challenged By Drought, Fire, Earthquake, and Flood, California Departs On New Path

In response to truculent planet, conserving water, limiting climate emissions, and achieving "net zero" energy use are top priorities.

Saving Salmon: California Orders New Water Restrictions

Restrictions target big Sacramento River reservoir and Russian River residents, but effects will ripple through the state.

California Oil Industry’s Wastewater Saga Adds New Twist

A lawsuit, an official's resignation, and failed legislative proposals marked the beginning of June.

California Court, Despite Drought, Questions Popular Water Pricing Tool

Increasing block rates garner closer attention. Photo ©â€¦

Colorado River Basin Conservation Agreements Take Shape

States look to delay mandatory water restrictions and preserve…

Groundwater Data Bill Passes California Senate

Lawmakers seek to make public a trove of groundwater data.

Biggest Lakes in the World Under Pressure From Human and Environmental Threats

Across continents and hemispheres, a growing list of human and environmental pressures threaten the world’s largest lakes, inhibiting their ability to supply water, drive economic activity, preserve biodiversity, and sustain communities.

A Discussion With Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the International Joint Commission

Lana Pollack, U.S. Chair of the IJC, talks with Circle of Blue last month in Chicago about some of the most pressing issues in the Great Lakes region.

Amid California Drought, Oil Industry Wastewater Attracts New Scrutiny

State and federal authorities move to tame use of aquifers as…

California Drought Effect on Food Prices – Not Much

Groundwater, food imports, low fuel prices, and a strong American dollar have more influence on prices than drought.

Infographic: California Urban Water Conservation Standards

Cities must cut water use by 25 percent in 2015. On May 5,…