Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Q&A: Dr. Peter Gleick on The World’s Water Volume 7

Peter Gleick, an internationally recognized water expert, tells Circle of Blue what has changed — and what has not — since the 2009 release of Volume 6. The Pacific Institute's biannual report analyzes how water relates to climate change, corporate interests, and policy reform.

The Price of Water 2011: Prices Rise an Average of 9 Percent in Major U.S. Cities

Because of costlier inputs and infrastructure replacement, rate experts predict prices will only go higher.
La Nina Winter Soaks

Strong La Niña Winter Soaks Much of the Western United States, But Leaves Southwest Dry

Western states confront potential for floods and wildfires.

Arizona’s Gamble — Conserve Water Now, Prevent Deeper Cuts Tomorrow

For years, the state took as much water as it could from Lake Mead; now it plans to leave some in the reservoir.

Study: Unregulated Toxin Present in Tap Water of 31 U.S. Cities

California is the first state to consider a limit on the “Erin Brockovich” chemical, which has been found in 31 of 35 U.S. cities recently surveyed.

Q&A: Jonathan Waterman on Running Dry

Jonathan Waterman has lived for five months on the waters of the Colorado River--he's paddled its length and then walked when the river ran out.

US Government Approves World’s Largest Solar Project

The Blythe solar plant is the sixth on public lands to get federal approval this month.

The Rising Cost of Settling the American Desert

Power plant that moves torrent of water uphill considers closing

California Approves World’s Largest Solar Power Project

The solar project will use groundwater, but its effect on the Colorado River water needs to be determined.
Water & Energy Collision

In Era of Climate Change and Water Scarcity, Meeting National Energy Demand Confronts Major Impediments

The pursuit of energy development development reveal gaps in policymaking.

In Solar Power Lies Path to Reducing Water Use For Energy

California’s latest proposed desert solar power plant could compromise desert habitat.

California Drought is No Problem for Kern County Oil Producers

Farmers do without water because of oil industry uses.