Delegates Seek More Definition, Much More, in Barcelona Climate Talks

Circle of Blue's senior editor, Keith Schneider, lays the backdrop for the climate negotiations, highlighting the United States' shortfalls.

Keith Schneider: Advocates Try To Plug the Drain of Water From Climate Negotiations

Circle of Blue's Keith Schneider examines the Bangkok and Barcelona conferences to understand why water's been pulled from climate negotiations. Schneider also talks with an advocate who's determined to put water back on the table.

Climate Change Is Water Change — Water Experts React to Barcelona Negotiations

Climate Change Is Water ChangeWater experts have convened in Barcelona to ensure water management strategies are integrated into global climate change negotiations – so far their efforts have fallen on deaf ears.

India’s Leaders Argue Over River Linking Plan

Attempts to mitigates drought and climate change in India by connecting its northern and southern rivers.

Qatar Food Company Signs $1 billion Deal to Use Sudan Farmland

Sudan-Farmland-290Qatar furthers the trend of Gulf Arab Countries off-shoring their agricultural production to secure food supplies for its citizens and other populations in the Middle East and Northern Africa. Qatar’s Hassad Foods signed a deal last week, worth potentially $1 billion, to develop 20,000 acres of land in northern Sudan, Reuters reports. Cultivation could expand to 250,000 acres.

More Bad News for Arctic Sea Ice

More Bad News for Arctic Sea IceA recent expedition to the Beaufort Sea revealed that “multiyear” Arctic sea ice is in effect, nonexistent, Reuters reports. Multiyear ice has “stiffer” composition than first year ice, and makes navigation through Arctic regions extremely difficult, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC).

Water Experts Prep for UN Climate Conference in Copenhagen

Copenhagen Experts at an international water and energy conference in Copenhagen this week hope to pool their resources and hone their message for the upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference. The three-day water and energy conference is being hosted by the International Water Association (IWA) and runs through today. The London-based non-profit organization brings together global water professionals to develop effective and sustainable approaches of water management.

U.S. Water Use Declines, But Points to Troubling Trends, Says USGS Report

U.S. Geological Survey's newest five-year report (2000-2005) reveals positive trends and potential problems for U.S. water use.

Changing Climate Complicates Central Asian Water Management

Glacier mass in Kyrgyzstan’s Tien Shan Mountains decreased 20 percent in the last 50 years, mostly in the last two decades.

China Resettles 300,000 for Plans to Redirect Water to Combat Drought

Nearly 1.5 million people in the Hunan and Guangdong provinces have reported drinking water shortages.

New York Drilling Study a Step Forward

By Abrahm Lustgarten ProPublicaNew York's recently released…

Melting Glaciers Changing Europe’s Energy Outlook

What happens when a dependable source of clean, renewable energy becomes unreliable?