Irrigation an Irritation as Indians, Nepalis Cope with Monsoon Season

GUWAHATI, India - This year's monsoon season in northeastern…

Southern California’s behemoth pipeline nears completion

SAN BERNARDINO, California - Nearly four miles of a 44-mile pipeline…

Aquatic ear helps Israel monitor water quality

TEL AVIV - Stop to smell the flowers, or at least to listen --…

Himalayan Yeti Absent from the Headwaters of Asia’s rivers?

Habitat loss, water diversion projects, and modern life threaten unknown primate.

As the Murray River Dries, Hope Dies

The lower lakes of the Murray River in South Australia are…

Towering trees teach sustainability: Water scarcity limits growth, enables survival

Recent research determines that the coniferous Douglas Fir…

Waste not, want not: Orange County sewage undergoes alchemy

Featured in the New York Times a new sewage treatment plant…

Climate change: Advocates warm up to Lake Baikal

BOLSHIYE KOTY, Russia - Containing one-fifth of the world's freshwater,…

San Diego television tells drought’s story

SAN DIEGO - San Diego's local television station, KPBS, engages…

Water tapping: Utah confronts Nevada government on pipeline pollution

SALT LAKE CITY - The Las Vegas leviathan once more has engineers…

Polluted paradise: California to decide fate of Salton Sea

SACRAMENTO - A bill that determines the future of Southern…

Virtual geology: New map to expose hidden water, minerals, and oil

LILLESTROEM, Norway - A new geological map, launched in Norway,…