Bankers in India doing rain dance beneath money tree

INDIA -- The battle against inflation in India this year has…

Senate Endorses Great Lakes Compact, Amid Growing Concern for Region’s Health

CHICAGO - After a decade of deliberation, the bill created…

Opinion: Turning the tide in the water crisis

In conversation with public responses to their proposed water…

Climate change, water shortages threaten the cedars of Lebanon

LEBANON -- The historic cedars of Lebanon, famed from biblical…

Scarce water a developing source of conflict in India

NEW DELHI - Domestic disputes and interstate wrangles over…

Flash floods leave New Mexico mountain town in deep water

RUIDOSO, New Mexico - Two states east of drought-riddled and…

Wrath of water visited upon Ukraine: Floods cross borders, displace thousands

KIEV, Ukraine - From California to Cairo to Cyprus, this month's…

Santa Cruz quarries: Study identifies not-so-free refill for water-stressed area

SANTA CRUZ, California - A nearly quarter-million dollar study…

Tenacity and technology: Current freshwater crisis has solutions, Scientific American article explains

As demand for water skyrockets and droughts abound, an article…

Mideast water supply requires heavy cash flow

CAIRO - In the midst of a food crisis, the Middle East and…

Farmers issue rally cry for water in California

SACRAMENTO, California - Some Californians have celebrated Governor…

Destroying wetlands could set off “carbon bomb”

Often eyed for their development potential, wetlands contain…