Jordan Plans to Give Dying Dead Sea New Life
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Water: Iraq’s Other Problem

Drought and Deluge: Food Supplies in an Era of Climate Change
Agriculture in South and Southeast Asia affected by increasing temperatures and erratic water.

Water Issues Dividing and Challenging the U.S.
With floods across the Midwest, droughts along the Southwest, and legal skirmishes in the West and South—water issues are dividing the United States and challenging its citizens like never before. As first reported by Circle of Blue in July 2008, increasing competition for diminishing water supplies is driving the United States into an era of water scarcity.

Georgia and Tennessee: 200 Years of a Tennessee River Toss-up

America’s Water Supply: Scarcity Becoming Endemic
Americans have good reason to be concerned about the future of the nation’s supply of clean fresh water, according to state and federal research and resource agencies.

Nevada and Utah: Desert Aquifer Dispute in Snake Valley

Solar Power Plants Drain Desert Waters
The push for renewable energy through low-carbon alternatives could further compromise water resources

Peter Gleick: Crikey! Real Water Conservation and Efficiency in Australia
Regular readers of this blog know my feelings about the potential to improve the efficiency of our water use. Besides being cheaper and more environmentally beneficial than new supply options, efficiency improvements are easier to find.

Peter Gleick: Another Missed Opportunity to Fix California’s Water Problems
It is raining this morning. Very unusual for September. Maybe we'll have a wet year.
Iraq Demands More Water from Turkey, Syria
Three months after Turkey promised to release more water down the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, Iraq still struggles with its water supplies.