Photo Slideshow: The Thirsty West Bank
In a Drying Land, a Constant Struggle for Water
Water Allocations for Californian Farmers Increased, But Only Somewhat
Farmers south of California's Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta can expect to receive about 10 percent of their federally allocated water this spring, so says the U.S. Department of the Interior. That's up from zero, after heavy rain- and snow-fall in the Sierra's had the Bureau of Reclamation reassess earlier predictions Tuesday.
World’s Largest Rivers Are Losing Water, New Study Says
One-third of the 925 rivers analyzed from 1948 to 2004 have showed “significant changes” in water levels.
Drought Strikes ‘Garden Of Eden’ Marshes In Iraq
Once described as the place of earthly paradise and source…
Climate Chaos Reveals Pattern: Africa’s Sahel Region Faces Recurrent Megadroughts
When in 1968 Garrett Hardin published in the Science journal…