“No water, no sex”: An interview with Veit Helmer, director of film Absurdistan
During an interview with Circle of Blue, German director Veit…

Thirsty Atlanta to Battle Southeast States over Lake Lanier Water Supply
For nearly twenty years Florida and Alabama have turned a critical…

Water Thieves Are Terrorists, Declares Australian Premier
Australia's Murray-Darling river basin is drying up. As the…

Burgeoning Bay Area buys time to boost water infrastructure
SAN FRANCISCO - San Francisco's humongous Hetch Hetchy water…

As the Murray River Dries, Hope Dies
The lower lakes of the Murray River in South Australia are…

Towering trees teach sustainability: Water scarcity limits growth, enables survival
Recent research determines that the coniferous Douglas Fir…

Waste not, want not: Orange County sewage undergoes alchemy
Featured in the New York Times a new sewage treatment plant…

San Diego television tells drought’s story
SAN DIEGO - San Diego's local television station, KPBS, engages…

Water tapping: Utah confronts Nevada government on pipeline pollution
SALT LAKE CITY - The Las Vegas leviathan once more has engineers…
Virtual geology: New map to expose hidden water, minerals, and oil
LILLESTROEM, Norway - A new geological map, launched in Norway,…
Dry spells and large-scale agriculture: Climate change threatens Uganda’s food security
Sustainable agriculture helps Ugandan farmers cope with water…
Bankers in India doing rain dance beneath money tree
INDIA -- The battle against inflation in India this year has…