Texas drought Dust Bowl agriculture Great Plains

Slideshow: Drought in the Southern U.S. Plains Today Recalls the 1930s Dust Bowl

Strong winds and dry soils are a frightful combination. The…

In California, Groundwater Softens Drought’s Punch – That’s Both Good News and Bad

Agriculture may do better this year than expected, researchers say. But at a long-term cost.

Sao Paulo Faces Severe Water Shortage

New conditions of supply and demand in the world’s ninth-largest city.

Report: Syria’s Food Security Worsens Due to Drought and Conflict

Food prices set to climb as production of wheat and other staple…

Ogallala Water Use Climbs as Drought Intensifies in the Southern Plains

Rainfall deficit is worse than the 1930s Dust Bowl. By…

Water Levels Dropping, Fresno Weans Itself from Groundwater

The largest city in California's San Joaquin Valley is transforming its water system, at a significant cost.

National Climate Assessment: Climate Change Pushing U.S. Toward Water Extremes

The Southwest is drying out, while the Northeast is becoming…

Map: California’s Water Use Per County (1985-2005)

Click through the interactive Google Fusion Tables infographic to see how California’s water use has changed over the last two decades and how these trends relate to population demographics and water contamination.

Most of California Groundwater Tables at All-time Lows, State Report Says

The biggest declines are in the San Joaquin Valley and in metropolitan Southern California.

California Governor’s Third Drought Order Sets New Water Rules, Requirements

As temperatures heat up and water supplies dwindle, Governor Jerry Brown’s third drought order deals with lawns, laws, and emergency response.

Jolted by Reality, Colorado River Water Managers Plan for Persistent Drought

Unprepared for more years of drought, basin states work to preserve…
Abe Sanchez, a mechanic at the C.W. Jones Pumping Plant, looks for the source of a small water leak in one of the facility's massive electrical pumps.

California Drought Plan Is a Roadmap for a Perilous Year

A landmark management plan brings together state and federal agencies to prioritize human health, water quality, and fish.