Australia’s Water Market Sets Trading Record in 2008, Despite Restrictions

The water trade in Australia is growing quickly, but some fear that state restrictions will hamper river restorations.
Video: The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen

Video: The World in a Giant Globe in Copenhagen

With a screen size over fifteen times bigger than the largest IMAX screens, the 20 meter media globe in Copenhagen City Hall square during COP15 is an impressive and effective way to broadcast climate related information.

U.S. Charm Offensive at Copenhagen Climate Conference: Will it Work?

Our second installment of COP15 coverage reflects on the overdue, yet changing tide of American climate policy.

A Campaign of Deceit Underlies Stolen Email Messages

Circle of Blue's senior editor, Keith Schnieder, starts his Copenhagen coverage revealing the real value of the climate email controversy.

Climate Negotiations Must Consider Water and Energy Together, IWA Says

Water policy and energy policy must be integrated, according to the International Water Association

Melting Glaciers, Drought Jeopardize Bolivian Capital’s Water

Planned migrations to water-rich areas are being considered as an emergency option as La Paz's water supply hangs in the balance.

Climate Change Threatens China’s Crops, State Forecaster

China’s chief meteorologist recommends adjusting to global warming over fighting it.

Drought Causes Record Low Water Allocations for California

Climate conditions and regulations are causing California to reassess water allocation, potentially taking drastic conservation measures.

Peter Gleick: Prepare Now for Another Dry Year

The western United States is still in a drought. If you have any doubts, take a look at the latest map from the U.S. Drought Monitor. Maybe we'll be lucky and the rains will start soon and be healthy. But California water agencies and users must begin planning for another dry year.

Water Demand-Supply Gap Rising At Alarming Rate, Report Shows

Global water demand will grow at an accelerated rate -- from 4,500 billion meters cubed to 6,900 billion cubed -- by 2030 increasing the water gap.

Heart of Dryness: Water Infrastructure and Climate Change

In the third installment of Climate Change Coping Strategies excerpts from James G. Workman's Heart of Dryness we reveal the struggle to develop effective infrastructure in the face of climate change.

Georgia Running Out of Time To Meet 2012 Water Deadline

Lake Lanier 2012 Deadline LoomsMetro Atlanta’s water supply will be drastically cut if no solutions are found. A state water panel has determined that Georgia does not have the time or money to meet a 2012 deadline for finding new water sources for metro Atlanta.